Tuesday, May 28, 2013

A return?

So I started this blog with a great intent. But time wasn't on my side. It's now 5 years later. I've two beautiful daughters, a new job, and a new home. I'm also getting serious about my geekdom. In the new job, my primary responsibility is penetration testing and security analysis of new systems. White and black box testing. So far, all I've done is paperwork and planning, which is a big part of being a good Pen Tester. Hopefully I'll soon be making some trips and doing some serious testing. Just for fun, my latest VPS is running kippo. It's a simple SSH honeypot. So far, nothing interesting, but I'll post some logs here as they get fun.


Jman0358 said...

Morning Scott,

Would you believe I've been waiting five years for this post !? Kidding of course, ... Hope all is well, sounds like it. I look forward to hearing more about your new job, and your exploration of your geekdom !!

Take care, best to you and your family,


Gabriel said...

Awesome! Congrats on everything!